pollimetry - Estimate Pollinator Body Size and Co-Varying Ecological Traits
Tools to estimate pollinator body size and co-varying
traits. This package contains novel Bayesian predictive models
of pollinator body size (for bees and hoverflies) and bee
foraging range, as well as preexisting predictive models for
pollinator body size (currently implemented for ants, bees,
butterflies, flies, moths and wasps), bee tongue length,
foraging range, total field nectar loads and wing loading. An
additional GitHub repository
<https://github.com/liamkendall/pollimetrydata> provides model
objects to use the bodysize and foraging.range functions
internally. All models are described in Kendall et al. (2019)
<doi:10.1002/ece3.4835> & Kendall et al. (2022) <doi:TBC>.